The cosmetic industry today may look like a real jungle because it is focused on the trend to return to a natural and healthy lifestyle. The right diet, sports exercises, the use of natural cosmetics and respect to the environment are its main features. Organic cosmetics - is not just a direction of the beauty industry, but a philosophy of this trend.
Do you think that shiny and perfectly smooth hair with no visible damages is outside of your grasp? In reality, it is not. You need only one hair Botox procedure to make your hair healthy and beautiful again.
Let’s describe the issue in greater detail. Hair Botox is not the botulinum toxin which is used for injections into facial muscles to relax them and to get rid of facial wrinkles. Hair Botox is a specially designed cocktail of active ingredients that are able to penetrate into the molecular structure of your hair and restore it from inside. The main common feature of hair and usual Botox procedures is the visible result after the first procedure which persists for a long time, up to 2 months. Like facial Botox, hair Botox is able to change the view of your hair dramatically. The hair looks shiny, perfectly smooth and has no visible damages after it.
The impact on the hair structure from inside is the secret behind such a gorgeous result. Hair Botox includes a special ingredient - Intra-silane molecule. It is able to penetrate inside the hair, integrate into its molecular structure and restore the damages. It makes the hair more flexible, resilient and strong.
Hair Botox technologies include:
1. Keratin Amino Acids – derivatives of the hair’s own keratin. They speed up the hair recovery process, creating a kind of keratin patch on its surface.
2. Hyaluronic acid. It helps to maintain the internal structure of hair and deeply moisturizes it.
3. Elastin – provides the hair flexibility and elasticity facilitates the perm process and straightens the hair.
4. Vitamins A, E, C, and D - Beauty vitamins for hair.
5. Oils that nourish and soften the hair.
6. Various additional components.
Hair Botox can cope with a lot of hair problems. It is especially good in the treatment of damaged hair, which seemed to be ruined. Split ends, brittle hair dryness, dimness, unruly, or fluffy hair, the so-called "dandelion" effect, and perm complications – these are the main problems it can solve. It means that hair Botox is able to treat all hair damages.
The effect of hair Botox will last up to two months. If the hair damages are very strong, your stylist can offer you to repeat the procedure in two weeks.