Pieces of training and education are a wonderful opportunity for your staff to become the top masters and probably fill some professional gaps which they are likely to have. Remember that by investing in education you train professionals that will provide the best possible services for your clients! It will help you to attract new clients, retain the existing ones and improve your salon image as well!
The beauty and hair industry is a very creative work sphere. There’s nothing worse for a professional to realize that he has hit the professional ceiling and has no opportunities for further development. Be open to your staff’s career aspirations and goals. If you help your stylists to achieve their goals and develop themselves, they will likely stay in your salon for a long time!
Of course, your employees want to meet your expectations and do their best. Your task is to encourage them to do their work in the best way by rewarding them. Remember that saying kind words costs nothing but lifts up the spirits of a person for long!