1. Daily deals. Of course, you can offer your clients a top-procedure at a very good discount for a day, for example, a keratin hair treatment or a botox hair treatment at a 30% discount on Mondays. However, people will only chase such advantageous offers without an intention to become your loyal customer. By constantly cutting prices you damage your salon reputation!
2. Adding your salon to the listing website. Almost all salon owners do it: clients can search for a salon in their area and click on the chosen salon from the list. When someone is looking through the listing website, he also sees your competitors, so he may choose them over you! Besides, not all of the listing sites integrate with your salon software.
3. Ads in the local press. It was popular some time ago but now it doesn’t work! By using this method, you’ll reach out to a very broad audience. Not all of those people are your target audience, i. e. people who will likely visit your salon after reading your ads in the newspaper.